Lake Turkana, formerly Lake Rudolf and Jade Sea is the world’s largest desert lake. It has two islands, Central and Southern Islands classified as National Parks with the largest concentration of crocodiles and 56 Migratory birds from Europe.

The lake measures about 5,000 square kilometres, with an estimated 500-kilometre-long open shoreline with pristine beaches.

Lake Turkana has shallow beaches, near a town like Loiyangalani in marsabit. The locals and tourists can swim or take a dip.
The waters are alkaline and are also warm from morning to evening..
Marsabit-Lake Turkana Cultural Festival
Every year, the Marsabit county government holds a cultural festival at the beach of Lake Turkana that brings the 14 communities of the county in a 3 day cultural display and experience

Some of the tribes of Marsabit are: The El Molo, Daasanach, Borana, Rendille, Samburu, Gabra, Burji, Somali, Sekuye, Turkana, Garri, Waata, Konso and Sidam

The 3 day carnival is a celebration of the rich cultures of the El Molo, Samburu, Gabbra, Rendile, Watta, Dasannach and the Turkana all who live around the Jade Sea. The Lake Turkana Festival is worth attending as you explore this northern frontier and enjoy the myriad of colorful cultures while discovering the hidden treasures of Lake Turkana.
magical kenya
You may visit Loiyangalani, Lake Turkana on an ordinary day or during the Marsabit-Lake Turkana Cutural Festival